PUBLIC COMMENTS OPEN UNTIL AUGUST 9. This is a wonderful opportunity to enter your kratom story in the public record in the United States. Using the link above, your comment, as long as it’s polite and not overly angry, will be entered into the Federal Register! This comment could influence how the World Health Organization regards kratom.
Instructions 1. Click this link https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/07/23/2021-15685/international-drug-scheduling-convention-on-psychotropic-substances-single-convention-on-narcotic?fbclid=IwAR1jTz7JSte491H5eTQBwjrivN4Y60s1t-kIPc1iy9UvnjfY2kkwHNFuBvM 2. Click the green “submit comment” button. 3. Write your kratom story into the Federal Register. Please be polite and have respect for yourself and everybody reading it. This is your chance as an American to use your 1st Amendment rights to make your story a matter of our public record! 4. Under “What is this comment about?” select “International Government – I0037” 5. Follow the directions, enter your info, and Make sure you click the option to receive a tracking number and email! The volume of comments already is making this process slow, so make sure you get a tracking number.
Background The World Health Organization (WHO) has requested information from the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regarding 7 substances, including kratom. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a subsidiary of HHS, is required to request comments. These comments are not received or controlled by FDA or HHS, but go directly into the Federal Register, which is a subsidiary of the independent National Archives and Records Administration, and is not controlled by FDA or HHS. These comments may or may not be considered by the HHS in its response to the WHO about kratom and these other substances. However, since these comments will be a matter of public record in the United States, the WHO will have access to them. After the comment period is over and all the comments are public, we can all email the WHO to make sure they see every public comment.
Disclaimer: There is no content on the Kratom Science Podcast nor on KratomScience.com that in any way constitutes medical claims or medical advice. You should consult a medical professional for medical advice and we believe this sincerely. Take care.