Green Indo Kratom
Green Indo, like other green strains, balances pain relief and energy boosting qualities.
However, while a strain like SGM maintains significant pain relief and energy boost, Green Indo is a milder, softer strain.
The details
Sometimes mom, in all her always sweet, nurturing glory, is just too much to handle. But your dad is screaming at you from the sidelines, never running out of energy, and you just can’t take either, so you go hang out with your brother shooting hoops in the driveway. Green Indo is your brother, a balance of energy and and relaxation.

the difference
Green Indo is a true to itself green in every way. Look for a perfect balance of pain relief and stimulation.
the science
While there may not be as high a concentration of alkaloids as something like SGM, the combination of alkaloids in Green Indo leads to longer lasting, milder effects than other kratom strains.