With Kratom, Quality Is Everything
How a vendor markets their kratom is a good indication of the level of confidence they have in their own product. If a vendor emphasizes low price, you can be assured you’re buying a low quality product. If a vendor markets kratom as a “legal high”, they’re demonstrating a fundamental misunderstanding of how kratom works, not to mention a disrespect for the plant. It would be no surprise if a vendor marketing kratom as an “opium alternative” would be caught selling unnatural adulterated kratom.
Packaging is also an indicator. You don’t buy quality kratom in ziplock bags. I don’t know about you, but neon-colored trucker-speed style packaging doesn’t scream “quality” to me. Some large wine manufacturers sell everything from high end pinot noir to “bum wine” – and it’s reflected in their choice of labeling. Some people like cheap wine, but there’s no room for cheap kratom. A kratom vendor who has respect in their product will reflect that in their packaging.

Kratom Science Tip: Various kratom products have started appearing in head shops across the United States. They either come in a bag of powdered leaf, or more commonly in a package of capsules. The capsules are sometimes just powdered leaf, in which case they may barely be enough for a small dose and likely cost upwards of $20.
When they do contain extract, often it’s a weak extract requiring in some cases every capsule to be consumed to get any effects.
Recommended Vendors
Kratom Capsules and Tablets | Best Value Powdered Leaf Kratom
For some, kratom powder is a hard pill to swallow. Luckily there’s a great source for high quality kratom capsules and tablets. Tested for contaminants, heavy metals, and alkaloid content, Nectar Leaf offers great pricing on consistently high quality kratom in capsule, tablet and powdered leaf form. Look for great pricing and the best bang for your buck on high quality Bali and Red Vein leaf.
You’ll also find a large variety of extracts from the speedy ISOL-8 to the famous Gold Reserve capsules. While extracts are available in easy to use 00 capsule form, they offer some of the more popular ground leaf such as Bali, Maeng Da, and Red Vein Kali capsules in both 00 and 000 capsules.
Nectar Leaf also offers kratom shipping to Mexico and Canada. Kratom in Mexico has slowly been increasing in popularity over the last few years. Fortunately, Kratom and any of its active elements, Mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, have not been added to any list of controlled substances in Mexico. This means that kratom is completely legal for you to carry and use in Mexico and Nectar Leaf is one of the largest suppliers of kratom to Mexico!
Highest Quality Ground Leaf Kratom
Experience counts. Anyone posting about kratom online will surely be inundated with offers from Indonesian suppliers – none of whom are vetted for quality or safety. Unlike many “pop up” vendors, Get Kratom has been in business since 2007 and is well established. They have high quality kratom at affordable prices, and reliably ship same day. Their customer service and support is also top notch and the staff are very familiar with the products they carry.
As the kratom industry grows, big business kratom vendors want to sell massive amounts of kratom. In any industry, a large economy of scale sacrifices quality. Think Olive Garden vs. an independent family owned Italian restaurant. Think Budweiser vs. craft beer. Small, experienced vendors who buy kratom by the box instead of the truckload can assure that each package contains the best quality product, and quality isn’t sacrificed on the assembly line for maximized profits. Get Kratom is a small Pittsburgh business with over a decade of experience in the kratom world.
Shipping speed is also a factor if you don’t want your kratom sitting in a hot delivery truck for weeks on end. All kratom powder from Get Kratom is tested to ensure naturally occurring alkaloid content, free from contaminants, adulterants, or heavy metals common in lower quality kratom. They also go the extra mile to pack their product in vacuum sealed, moisture-barrier bags that ensure freshness.
It is important to do your research and learn about how to approach kratom responsibly. Vendors are often unable to answer questions about particular strains so we encourage you to seek advice from others on forums such as this one. There is a growing field of research available on the effects of kratom.
It’s also the case that the head shop employees know little of kratom, marketing it as a sexual enhancement pill (which it’s actually pretty poor at).
Online vendors, on the other hand, are forced to compete more on quality, especially with the wide range of forums critiquing the quality from various vendors. They have a reputation to maintain, and are forced to compete with all the other online vendors, whereas headshops often have little local competition.
The only downside to online vendors is that they must sell kratom as “not for human consumption” due to it not being approved by the FDA and on their Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) list.
Headshop employees have the luxury of being able to just tell a customer about how to consume it, but online stores tend to be weary of this risk. This in no way means that kratom is unsafe, but it often confuses customers.
Have more questions about kratom? Find Out More About Ground Leaf Kratom OR Kratom Capsules and Tablets.
I have bad scoleosis, degenerative and bulging disks. I hurt my back in the fall. Missed some work and felt like throwing up the pain was so bad most days. Gained 20 lbs over 6 months being on the couch when I wasn’t working. 800 mg ibuprofen and opiates daily.
Decided to use Kratom again, after 2 years. I haven’t had ANY back pain in 6 weeks!!! Tried different strains. Green Maeng Da is my go-to, powder.
I wish you well.
Just bought some green vein maeng da kratom and started with two capsules forjoint pain socialbility ,increased libido and energy .
I have chronic back pain, sciatica, pinched nerves in my neck and arm. I can’t afford to buy hydrocodone on the streets and it’s getting harder and harder to find them, I have days where I can’t even walk. Advil does absolutely nothing. What’s the best product for my situation? I’m 210 lbs. and I have a very high tolerance for opioids. Thanks!
Completely irrelevant, but this may just change your life: https://www.tmswiki.org/ppd/An_Introduction_to_Tension_Myositis_Syndrome_(TMS)
Wher do I buy this?
I been on suboxone maintenance for 7 years, low dose, this past month I was using heroin about a gram a day without taking my suboxone. will kratem help me with withdrawals? and also get past the 24 hour before I start taking a mg of suboxone a few times a day?
Hell yes. Hi dose if you are on the heroin “fentanyl” that’s out there now. Good luck.
Krstom will def help with lowering WD’s. It’s best to taper off and on your 2nd / 3rd (ideally opiate free) day start taking kratom. As the opiates leave your body more and receptors in your brain cools down some .. you’ll experience more of the benefits kratom can give . The main thing to keep in mind , kratom is not gonna get you high like opiates … but def will boost your overall quality of life . Offers the chance to feel “normal “ Will squash your cravings better than just about anything out there . Wish you the best !
Now my question is, would this work for getting you off suboxone too? Or is it taking a step back? I have been on suboxone for almost 7 years and get withdrawals where I get anywhere under a half strip a day. Just trying to get some guidance. Also, I loose energy when I take less suboxone.
I’m also on suboxone for the last 4 years and so that sounds like a good idea. Feeling last energetic is because of withdrawal from suboxone. It lasts about 30 days to get your full energy back. Whenever you cut your dose by 1/4 mg. You will put yourself in withdrawal.
I have used Kratom several times to get off of Suboxone. It is a lifesaver! I started at 24 mg and today is the second day that I haven’t taken any. I’ve weaned all the way down to 0.25. I stated using the Kratom at 2 mg. The first few days are scary and different but the withdrawal is substantially less than without it. I haven’t missed a single night of sleep. You need to wean off the Kratom if you use it too long but it’s nothing like getting off Suboxone. When you start to feel better just start taking less and less Kratom every day like you would at a detox center.
Which Kratom did you use? Thank
White Maeng Da
I’ve been on narcotics for severe joint pain for 15 yrs. I’m living in hell. They don’t work any more and I don’t want to increase my doses. What strain of Kratom should I start with? How much? Where to get it?
Many people getting off opiates take red vein kratom primarily. But green Malay ,green Maeng Da , gold Bali …. are excellent.
Buy from a trusted vendor . The “I Love Kratom “ forum has a list of vetted vendors that test their products and are held to a high standard . Def worth checking them out. High quality kratom doesn’t have to break your bank… make sure you buy lab tested leaf . It matters ! Good luck 🙏
I was on subs for 5 years and Kratom really helps I used green maeng da and red train wreck I’d flip back and forth between two too keep tolerance low. I also tried bupropion this time, it’s none narcotic anti depressant. I heard it would help and I swear by that shit I barley had any W/D symptoms just sluggish and that as where Kratom come in. I’d take like 6 or 8 at a time and I’ve been thru sub/merhadone and roxys w/d.
It’s really a miracle plant almost sacred for myself so I would absolutely recommend a quality kratom over chemical pharmaceutical nonsense. I have taken kratom for the last five years just for depression and it really works well. I recommended it to my brother for reasons similar to your own situation and being that it’s not an opiate it’s not going to remove your discomfort but will help. Also look into a quality phenibut but use that with caution as it can generate some unpleasant side effects if abused. Get better
I too am new to Kratom, believe it or not my neurologist mentioned it to me but I haven’t got to talk to her more about it. I am considered to have TRD with anhendonia/apathy. Does anyone have any advice on dosing and what the best strain is for depression. Also best supplier.
Green Malay is one of my favorites for moodlifting qualities as well as motivational energy . Doesn’t slack on pain relief either !
Hi Krista,
I successfully used Kratom to get off Suboxone. I used Suboxone for a very long time until I could no longer afford the doctor. That’s when I was introduced to Kratom about 10 years ago.
Hello all,
A friend mentioned the use of Kratom for my MILs Parkinson’s Disease. I have read things that suggest it might help but I don’t know how to help her get started, what strain, etc. Anyone used Kratom for PD or know how to do so? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
You can do it,,!! Keep your head up honey, you are a good mom, or you wouldn’t care, I’m hoping you’re feeling better!