Brian Gallagher will be moving on from Kratom Science after this final episode.
I started as a writer and social media manager at Kratom Science in 2018, and developed the podcast in 2019. I have had the privilege of interviewing world renowned kratom experts, pharmacologists, psychologists, social scientists, chemists, addiction psychiatrists, veteran journalists, activists, and regular people who use kratom.
I am moving on to build my own independent platform. I’m calling it the Drug War Post. I will be doing much of the same work as I’ve done here, but covering other topics as well as kratom. You can follow me on Twitter @DrugWarPost
I would like to thank all my podcast guests, listeners, commenters, and especially the folks at Kratom Science who gave me this great opportunity. This work will continue elsewhere. Take care!
Kratom Science is on Facebook.com/kratomscience, Twitter @kratomscience
Music: Risey, “Memories of Thailand”
Kratom Science Podcast is produced by Brian Gallagher for KratomScience.com
So far we don’t do advertising or ask for donations, but please support the Kratom Science Podcast and Like, Subscribe, Share, Rate, Review, and Comment wherever you listen to podcasts. Thank you!
Disclaimer: None of the content on this or any episode of Kratom Science Podcast, Kratom Science Journal Club, or on any of the pages of KratomScience.com constitutes or should be considered medical claims or medical advice.
Brilliant. Thank you for your podcast I loved it I’m still gonna try to follow you. Been a Kratom user for years have back and shoulder issues.
You definitely get it. I wish more people would open their minds up like you do. Anytime I talk to your people about how the drug war is a joke they said we need it. And this is my family. I try to explain to them the situation were in. The part where you were talking about some of the rehabs it’s a big problem. I used to drink. Mostly beer but if I did drink some hard alcohol it would affect me a little bit too much.
And I have gone to the hospital and they give me all these things for different rehabs never had to use them just quit and had some Kratom.
Thanks again for all you’ve done. If you can please give me a link to where are you going to be after your podcast.
We will miss ya brother thank for all you’ve done 💚