53. Journalist Nick Wing on Covering Kratom

Kratom Science Podcast
Kratom Science Podcast
53. Journalist Nick Wing on Covering Kratom

Nick Wing is currently editor of the nonprofit journal The Appeal (theappeal.org). He spent nearly 10 years as a journalist for Huffington Post, where he did extensive in-depth reporting on kratom, starting in 2016. In the course of his work, Nick Wing discovered that one of FDA’s “kratom-related deaths” was a man who died of a gunshot wound. He also examined countless medical examiner reports of supposedly kratom-caused deaths, questioned FDA and other officials for evidence of their claims that kratom is dangerous, and nearly got into a legal battle with a Pennsylvania coroner who refused to release toxicology reports of a death supposedly caused by “acute mitragynine intoxication”. Wing also covered the 2016 kratom demonstrations in DC that helped roll back the DEA’s decision to ban kratom, the battle of kratom advocates with the Ohio Board of Pharmacy, and continues to work on issues related to the drug policy at The Appeal.

Read Nick Wing’s work on kratom https://www.huffpost.com/topic/kratom
Twitter @nickpwing

Music: Risey “Memories of Thailand”

The Kratom Science Podcast is written and produced by Brian Gallagher for KratomScience.com

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