Kratom Tea Preparation Instructions

Kratom TeaWhile many people like the “toss and wash” method of kratom consumption, making it into a tea is a much more pleasant experience for many. The taste can be pretty bitter, but with the right preparation it’s comparable to an extremely potent green tea flavor.

Start by measuring out between 1 teaspoon of powdered leaf. Using an extract is not recommended, as the hot water may break down some of the alkaloids, there’s no added benefit, and it’s more expensive. Boil 2-4 cups of water. The more water you use, the less strong the flavor, but as long as you drink it all the effects will be exactly the same.

Put the kratom powder into a large cup or container with a pour lip, and pour the boiling water on top. Stir until it is thoroughly mixed. Be sure there aren’t any clumps of dry powder. I highly recommend adding sugar, artificial sweeter, or honey (honey works the best to cut the bitterness), and stir. If using artificial sweetener, 2 packets is a good starting amount. Let sit until cool (at least 15 minutes), stirring occasionally.

Once cooled, allow the powder to settle to the bottom. Pour the tea into a drinking cup, and enjoy! At this point you can add more sweetener to taste, or add water or ice cubes to dilute the flavor. As long as you drink all of the liquid, the effects will be the same.

229 thoughts on “Kratom Tea Preparation Instructions”

    1. Yes you can but its better to mix with orange juice or any acidic juice. Real juice! Lol! But yes you can mix it with sweet tea but boil it separate and then mix.

      1. I’d like to mix it with orange juice instead of making the tea maybe but how would you get the excess stuff out of it that? It does GREAT for everything I deal with except I’ve learned horribly, that it is NO good on my GI at all

  1. I’m thinking of trying this out. I love vanilla chai tea with honey and cream. So I think I’ll add the Kratom to this to see how it works and tastes.
    I’m hoping to not only get some calming, but a bit of energy too. I’m thinking 2-4 grams would be plenty, starting low and seeing how it affects me first.

    If anyone else tries this please, share your experience.

    1. Yes you get more energizing effects at lower doses. The more you take the more sedating it becomes.

  2. Trying to use it for withdrawal symptoms but it doesn’t seem to work at all I make the tea like people say medium heat then strain taste so bad too and does nothing to eliviate withdrawal

  3. Does anyone who relies on kratom for opioid withdrawals eventually cease using kratom all together? Or are you simply replacing one addiction for another? I’m genuinely interested in what you have to say.

      1. I disagree with quitting opioids cold turkey. You should taper off with support and kratom works well for that. I haven’t found kratom difficult at all to quit.

      2. I use kratom on a daily basis for weeks and quit using it and no bad side effects other than a little cranky and maybe a headache just like if you quit drinking coffee or Coca Cola….

    1. It will help it totally relieved my wd issues. I used it after I tapered off methadone 90mg to 1mg and I had terrible wd. . It does activate opioid receptors in your body. For me it’s nothing like using opiates I never have cravings for kratom. I’d say it’s effects are extremely mild. Could just be a tolerance thing for me though. I’d suggest starting with a low dose say 3 gram wait 30 min see how you feel then add a gram wait 30 min and repeat until you feel better. As for kratom wd again very mild just tired like you need a coffee and diarrhea because the stuff has anti diarrhea effects along with it activating opioid receptors so you’ll have to taper off kratom but it’s a cake walk compared to real opiates. To anyone that’s on methadone or thinking of it stay the hell away from it because it’s the HARDEST to get off. I almost went to the hospital because of methadone wd after a full taper to 1mg and had the worst wd I’d ever experienced Extreme anxiety, blood pressure 170/105 heart palpitations panic attacks difficulty breathing. If it wasn’t for kratom I may have died.

      1. 👌this Is so nice to hear. thanks so much for sharing. I myself it’s on methadone 20mg looking for a healthy way out (ya right, huh!?) Feel like theirs no hope! So does it take away just partially withdrawal or what?.. Are you still laid up at home. Or does it make it so you can fully function.. Need help😩 thanks for your comment. BTW tried a teaspoon full kratom mixed W/hot water , didn’t get anything out of it. What do u suggest??

        1. Find a strong red strain (ex: maeng da, bali, indo,) and itll work fine! It does take some patience and titration to figure the right amount for yourself, but once you do, it will be easy!!!

        2. Honestly I was where you were. I mix about 8grams into my coffee stir for a few minutes and drink everything. No straining. Keeps me 💯 off opiates.

        3. Today I had my first dose and I used a tablespoon because my friend said that’s how much to take. I was uplifted and the weakness, pain and fatigue were greatly improved. However, 5 hours later I’m feeling like I took a pain pill. I will use less next time. Maybe 2 teaspoons. I do fear addiction so I probably won’t be using this daily. I’d love contact info on Jeff. He said he sells it and i’d really like to talk to someone well versed in Kratom.

        4. You can use kraytom for all these opiod or obiod replacement. I attest it works for those with high opioid tolerance. It also works curbing the craving and anxiety involved with Bupernorphene or similar substitutes. I think weight and tolerance matter, yet THERE have been NO not 1 documented death from kraytom overdose. It is mild regardless of mix or prep? I say 3-5grams of powder in quick boil sreep, with sludge and AGAVE 3times a day for severe withdrawals. Best of luck to you all. Lets FIND our own natural way! NOT put green in big pharmaceutical companies pocket lining?! BLESSINGS!

      2. I’m new to Kratom – it’s working for me . I initially took opiates due to a massive injury sustained at the NYC Workd Trade Center attack. 16 surgeries and years of opiate use and dependence until doc’s turned in me – treating me like a pariah -a junkie. Cutting doses without regard for my pain or withdrawal as the DEA mandated to keep heat off of their pill mill practices. Kratom is working. As for methadone – It’s the devil. STAY AWAY AT ALL COSTS. I was diagnosed twice with double pneumonia due to its suppressive effects on my respiratory system. The last time , when I went cold turkey – I was pronounced dead , intabated and in a coma and by the grace of God revived twice. The withdrawal is the worst – only a coma brought me through to a point where I could kick. Not an ideal situation but I was finally out of the WD woods by then . Kratom is a great product – if your willpower is such that you’re tired of the opiate circus it’s become since being stigmatized and made public enemy #1′. They’re not the answer for all but some chronic pain sufferers had no recourse -‘until now . Kratom will alleviate most pain if dosed properly , will power and pain tolerance will decide the rest .

        1. Scon1227: I was on the USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT CVN- 71 and we were the first to deploy September 18th 2001. In very sorry for you injuries and pain. I was an Aviation Ordnance 3rd class petty officer. I worked on the flight deck checking all aircraft weapons. We dropped a lot of ordnance on Afghanistan for 7 months straight. I was glad to fight for our country but very glad to get back home safe afterwards. I too love Kratom though. Its keeping me away from the negative junk.

        2. Thank you to all of you who served our country and my City. I am truly grateful. I too was on long term pain management when the DEA cut pain meds and sent our nation into this “crisis”. They pegged my a junkie too when I failed my piss test. I went from over 300 pills and 4 medications a month to 60 pills of one medication. I was accused of selling my pills and cut off cold turkey. I was lucky and did not have withdrawals, that is something that runs in my family and is very rare. By all rights I should be an addict. I went and got honey bee venom injections. THEY ARE AMAZING I walked into the office with a cane walked out without it! Within 3 weeks I did a cartwheel. That was in 2012. Last year I had another back surgery and I use kratom occasionally. I now get injured very easily was in the ER every 6 weeks. Now kratom keeps me from going to the hospital when I have a nasty flair up. It is all about money and it makes me sick. You are wonderful people and I am glad Kratom is helping you through such injustice.

        3. If feel ya. On opiates for crippling back injury (30 yrs solid,) and kratom worked in helping me stop 80mg methadone, and 120mg oxycodone (by rx) daily use! Oxycodone was not the worst. Methadone wasnt devised for people to ever stop using it (ever) obviously! I guess that is why heroin addicts from the 1960s are still on methadone, if still living!!!

          1. Hey Paul,
            I’m a first time user of Kratom. I have stage 4 endometriosis and have had 2 surgeries so far. My pain went well above a bareable threshold on FRI. I have an appointment with my specialist on Tues but was trying to find something to help me get through until then. I have used opiates for many years and although my tolerance is way less than it used to be, I haven’t had any luck with Kratom yet. I tried a teaspoon this morning…nothing. Tried another teaspoon of Indo at 2pm…nothing. Does anyone have any suggestions. I used the T&W method. I have another sample bag of Bali as well I was going to try in a little bit. But didn’t want to go overboard. Thanks for any input.

      3. I agree with JG. Methadone is no joke and the withdrawal lingers for sometimes even 2 weeks if not more. I think Kratom is wonderful because when using it i don’t even think of heroin, pain pills, nor even alcohol.

          1. Agreed, I quit Methadone and was still having withdrwals a month later!!
            The pain doc I see said that is about the average time to get through the withdrawals.
            Couldn’t have done it without Kratom!!

      4. I am trying to get off methadone as well took myself from 60 mg a day to 2.5mg a day been on it about 10 years and other opioids for 5 before that and cant go every other day without takings one or I have the same withdrawal effects. Heart palpitations cant sleep breathing problems. Started using kratom 2 days ago with no withdrawal after day 3 with no methadone.

      5. Thanks JG

        I was on methadone for over 10 years. I also tapered from over 100mg to 1mg., but from 1 to 0 is absolute hell. Everything you mentioned, astronomical blood pressure, not a wink of sleep for weeks.

        Kratom also saved me. I have been on the kratom for a few months now. I was concerned about being addicted to this now, but your testimony has given me some confidence.
        I mean, it cant possibly be worse than methadone.
        Although its pretty expensive, Im gonna stay on for a few more months to be sure the meth is completely gone, then Ill deal with this.
        thanks again

    2. Tom the difference with replacing opioids for kratom is that kratom has a mechanism whereby if too much is ingested you simply throw it up. With most opioids if you ingest too much you die. Replacing one addiction for another here seems like a no brainer.

    3. I used kratom to kick suboxone years ago, ended up just as addicted to K as any “dope” I was ever on, had several seizures due to overdose and had mild withdrawal symptoms as well, it’s a drug just like any and any dope fiend will find a way to abuse it

    1. Yes but it probably won’t be as strong. In powder form, it needs to steep a while compared to actual tea leaves. I put mine in coffee filters and tie the end off with hemp string and let it steep for 30 mins at the least. Gonna be getting a cheese cloth so I can just steep the powder in a pot without a filter and strain it in to my tea pitcher using the cheese cloth.

    2. This comment was posted a while ago but I’ll tell you emphatically NO.

      I tried it and It was AWFUL. Bitter as all hell, just plain nasty. Toss and wash or mix with OJ. I’ve read the hot water destroys the alkaloids in kratom anyway.

      1. Heat DEFINITELY destroys the alkaloids. Make 3 grams in tea however you’d like. The next day swallow 3 grams or mix the powder w juice and drink. Everything else being the same you will see VERY marked differences in effect and duration imo.

        I haven’t tried this but cold brewed kratom has got to be the way to go.. long steeped over night or a very long time.
        Or just making Chai tea or something (juice etc) and just mixing powder in.
        There’s ZERO way hest above 100 degrees matters since our bodies stay under that and all you have to do is toss the powder back. Things that need to be heated (like cannabis) aren’t active until they are Decarboxylated, in cannabis’s case.

  4. I have severe constipation with kratom, been taking it for many years, but started to get blockages. Very nasty, makes you puke and terrible abdominal pain.
    I am prescribed Morphine for pain, but find Kratom much better.
    Do you find drinking Kratom Tea less constipating than toss and wash?
    Love to hear anybodys opinion on this matter.
    I really do not want to quit Kratom, it has benefited me way too much.,

    1. All the fiber makes the constipation. Some people have to use daily enemas so as to ease the intestinal sisters. So yes yes would solve it. At the same time, I find that powder is much stronger than tea. Not sure if the heat destroys the alkaloids. May be worth it to try a solvent extract like 90 proof ethanol. It will extract with out damaging the alkaloids and you don’t have to pass all the dry plant matter.

    2. take probiotics, that’s what i use for opiates far stronger than Kratoms: 7-hydroxymitragynine and mitragynine.

      if that doesn’t work use a combination of “stool softener” and “sensitive overnight laxative” like dulcolax.

      will not give you the runs. soft stools that will pass gently.

    3. I ran into this problem after a couple months. Just the worst intestinal pains. Started taking black cumin seed capsules with my Kratom, problem disappeared. Highly recommend.

    4. Do you take them together? Kratom is a delta receptor agonist which can modulate the mu receptor, which is what opioids MAINLY target (most have some activity and all 3 sites, mu delta kappa).
      I’ve noticed mixing kratom GREATLY increases sedation, although it seems to be from the kratom as low Bp and heart rate (what you’d expect with opioid cns depression). However even high doses of kratom don’t cause much bp and pulse decrease as they act on the OLR-1 receptor mainly known as the “opiate-like receptor”, and is also responsible for akuamma seeds pain killing effect.
      Less than kratom, but if ur in a state that can’t have kratom it’s ur next best bet .

  5. Can anyone tell me what to do with two Kratom caps? I am waiting for. Y order to arrive in a storm and I only have two left. Should I make a tea or just wait it out?

  6. First time making maeng da tea. I booked 8 grams into 2 cups water. Not sure how long to let it boil in there. And hoping I feel the effects. Any help?!?

    1. Hey, i make kratom tea everyday, twice a day. I just boil kratom and water together until most of the water is evaporated, then strain out all the water from the kratom make sure you get most of it out, you should end up with about 1/4 a cup of green water. Sweeten it, ice it, and down it. BOOM amazing kratom energy. 🙂

      1. Mark Winchester Sr

        I use 10gr red MD into 2 cups water. Bring to boil, remove from heat, add cream & sugar like your making coffee (K is a coffee-type plant) and let cool 15min. The fat in creamer binds the alkaloids and dramatically increases the strength. < That's enough to last me two days. Same effect as a low dose hydro.

  7. After pouring tea into a cup, do u discard the powder? Reading so many blogs on different sites, some say to reuse the powder. It’s my First time trying to make a tea and want to do it correctly.

    1. Hi Oeyenee! If I were you, I would not keep the leftover powder, I would strain all the liquid and then throw it away. Kratom is cheap enough that it’s not a big deal, and the remaining powder will only create less potent tea. Some people like to put it back into a pot immediately after and boil it and strain it again to get the most out of their kratom. I would say you can do this but it really depends on your tolerance. There really aren’t any wrong answers.

      I definitely wouldn’t eat the leftover sludge though. That’s one of the reasons us weak-stomached people make tea, so we don’t have to eat so much plant matter. And yes, straining your kratom does inheed take away a bid of the effects but they’re still very noticeable. It’s a good tradeoff for a happy tummy!

      1. Okay, so I’m glad to read I’m not the only one having tummy issues here. I have been getting such bad cramps after taking Kratom with just the toss and wash method. I’m glad to hear the tea helps!

        1. This can be avoided by drinking a lot of water. Standard medicines & supplements generally say take 8oz. of water per serving. With kratom, it’s actually closer to about 32oz. per serving, but could be more or less depending on your body type & weight. Internally, it’s the exact same thing as drinking the tea, minus burning off alkaloids, plus you get to enjoy your preferred method of toss & wash.

      2. Everyday and I save my old Kratom powder and put it in the next batch of tea along with the new fresh kratom I think some alkaloids remain behind in the used kratom but not enough to make a fresh batch of tea by itself

    1. Yes you can! I personally make cup of chamomile tea, then put in 4 grams of kratom, let it sit for ten minutes. Add a squeeze of lemon and enjoy. Try not to drink all the stuff on the bottom.

    2. I use mint tea with honey. Sometimes I even add a bit of mint extract to completely cover the taste. Works wonders!

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