Dosage Conversion Chart

Please be aware that the below charts reflect estimates and not exact measurements consistent across all kratom vendors. While it is recommended that you buy a scale to correctly measure your kratom, these charts offer support for those who are unable to do so.

When measuring an extract, we strongly recommend purchasing a small digital scale as they often have a significantly higher degree of variability.

Average Powdered Leaf

1 gram0.035 ounces
50 grams1.75 ounces
100 grams3.5 ounces

Crushed Leaf

1 Tablespoon2.7 grams
1 Teaspoon0.9 grams
000 Capsule0.70 – 1 gram

Bali Powder

1 Tablespoon6.2 grams
1 Teaspoon2.3 grams
000 Capsule0.75 – 1 gram

Maeng Da Powder

1 Tablespoon7 grams
1 Teaspoon2.6 grams

Green Malay Powder

1 Tablespoon6.9 grams
1 Teaspoon2.4 grams

Extract Capsule Conversion (00 Capsules)

Click On Any Strain Below For More Information:

Extract00 Capsule DosageEquivalent Powdered Leaf
Gold Reserve Extract Capsule1 cap = approx .5 gram7-8 grams Powdered Leaf
Ultra Enhanced Indo Extract Capsule1 cap = approx .5 gram6-8 grams Powdered Leaf
ISOL-8 Extract Capsule1 cap = approx .5 gram6-7 grams Powdered Leaf
Ultra Enhanced Maeng Da Extract Capsule1 cap = approx .5 gram6-8 grams Powdered Leaf
Ultra Enhanced Red Kali Extract Capsule1 cap = approx .5 gram6-8 grams Powdered Leaf

1,739 thoughts on “Dosage Conversion Chart”

  1. I suffer chronic pain from a botched inguinal hernia procedure from back in 1997. I was on bed rest for nearly a year after, constant swelling in my scrotum that needed draining, migrated staples which moved from the mesh area up into my abdomen.

    First surgeon removed the migrated clips, stitched me up and sent me on my way. Saying that would be all he could do for me. Got a second opinion a year later, new surgeon did an exploratory surgery and found the first doc put a dollar size mesh in with staples all the way around it. The hernia breach hole was no bigger than a silver dollar. 80% of the mesh had to be removed, along with about 8-10 staples. My body was severely rejecting all of it.

    Got some relief, but came back again in a bad way in 2010. The pain became so intense I had to seek another surgeon. While trying to find one, I started pain management. Was started on 25 mcg Butrans patch and 3-10mg norco for Daily breakthrough.

    5 years later and after changing meds over the years (Ms Contin/Norco/oxycodone) I was last on OxyContin 25 extended release once daily, and 4 10mg oxycodone for breakthrough pain.

    The last surgery was July 5th 2017. My second son was born that next August the 21st (day of the solar eclipse). After the surgery the doc said it was really bad. He couldn’t remove all the remaining mesh, as some was intwined with major arteries. He said it was an 8-10 hour surgery he had to do in 4. As he had other patients waiting. So he didn’t finish the job.

    The birth of my 2nd son and the recent surgery made me reevaluate my live and I knew that because I had been on opioids for nearly 8 years, wouldn’t be easy to stop.

    I read about Kratom and at the time I had to drive up to Kentucky where it was legal to buy (I’m in Tennessee). It’s legal here now..thankfully. But my severe RLS, hot flashes, med cravings, it all but went away within the first few doses. I would change up between Red and White Maeng da. My PCP doc gave me Clonidine which also help so much with RLS and sleep for like the first week or so which were the worst. But the kratom took nearly all of the withdrawal symptoms away.

    I’m still suffering with pain in my groin area. I have 3 yr old and 5 yr old boys. Keeping up with them is very challenging cause the pain comes still with physical activities. Coughing, singing, lifting, sitting too long, standing too long, strenuous exercise is out of the question. I’m still very limited and fight daily chronic pain. I refused to go back to Pain Management, as I know where that road leads. Not to mention patients like me, with an extensive medical history are getting treated like a criminal and getting pain meds are like pulling teeth. Shame that the people who really need the medication have to struggle so much to get it. But nevertheless, kratom imo is far safer and even more so effective as the pain meds.

    I highly HIGHLY recommend anyone getting off opioids to try kratom. Your withdrawal symptoms won’t be nearly as pronounced. It helps give me some energy thru the days, it curves my appetite a little, and reduces the groin pain quite a bit.

    Although I wish I could find another surgeon to finish getting this mesh out me, I’m grateful to have this plant to help get me thru this until I do.

    Best of luck to you all. Thanks for reading..

  2. I have been taking 70-80 mgs of hydrocodone for about 9 years now… it all started with a Dr prescription, then to access from my family and has now reached the point I have spent hundreds of thousands… I made my mind up that I want to stop… I have even set a date for this Friday.. I bout a bottle of green Kratom today In preparation(I have def experienced withdrawls before)… I have a wife who I have lied to and 3 kids who deserve better… I’m in a situation I will have to do this alone because she won’t be able to comprehend because she will never understand how addiction works in a mind… any recommendation on doses I plan to take this just long enough to completely get the opiates out of my system… the bottle says 70 capsules and 44grams on it… any help is appreciated.. would be nice to know I’m not alone.

    1. Been a heroin addict for 23 yrs coming off it again and honestly kratom is saving me. I’d go with the powder. Your not alone bro… You need anyone email me

    2. I would suggest that you start around 2grams and up it my 1 gram each time if you find it’s not enough. Taking too much can be an unpleasant experience(dizzy, headache, stomach pain).

      Highly recommend you stay very hydrated as kratom dries you right up.

      Don’t feel ashamed if you continue to use kratom AFTER the hydrocodone withdrawal period is over. In my opinion it does a tremendous job curbing impulse… i even quit drinking and smoking after starting kratom. I used to be addicted to painkillers and heroin for the latter few years of my addiction. I take kratom every day now—9 years! I’ve come to learn to respect it and treat it as any other medication.

      Good luck to you and your family

    1. Eddie, you and I have the same question, how much to be effective at taking to overcome pain. Like the doctors use a MED chart equivalent to Morphine of 1mg to ______ any opiate drug. It make it safer to understand the potency, See ya Good Luck! Stay on point and free from unessary chemicals!!!!!!!!!
      , I believe most are most likely weapons set from others to destroy us! Richie Logan Ohio
      You from SE Ohio? I know the name.

  3. Kratom is incredible for opiate withdrawal! I was given pain killers after my several visits to the hospital due to my acute pancreatitis. I was given several type of pain killers, but when my doctor stopped giving it to me, I just couldn’t stop. The pain was unbearable! So I kept getting some from friends and other connections. After several years of the same bull s*it, I decided to stop. The first 5-6 days are the worst but since I discovered kratom, my life has changed as I don’t have to deal with the horrible withdrawals. Kratom has eased all my pains and I can actually sleep a few hours at night without the constant leg/body pain. Kratom is a miracle! I love the red Bali kratom!

  4. Kradom is a life saver it’s cheap and I dont see myself dying off of it.I have died 6 times no bs off of H and methadone percs and vics.Take about 7 to 8 grams of white Borneo kradom 3 to 4 times a day…Plus I let myself run out it for around 3 to 4 days each shipment and it’s working great trust me and to hell with dying…this shit actually works good…….great mood and energy but tastes like dog shit

  5. I’m trying to switch from methadone to suboxone and have to go 3 days without opiates can I take Keaton or will I get precip withdrawal when I take the sub?

    1. I have a regular prescription for Oxycodone that I take for pain. I have been on it for 2 years now. There are days that I will use only kratom. it works great and I feel no ill effects from not taking the oxycodone.

  6. So I got some kratom maeng da capsule 500mg trying to help a friend get off methadone withdrawals not sure how many capsules to take and how often ?? Anyone know the dosages and how often please help there are no instructions or a dose chart

    1. depends on his methadone dose BUT I have a friend 10 caps of regular powder and nothing then another 10 and roxycontin withdrawals were gone so I say 20 caps or 10 grams should do it.. BUT if he says “my withdrawals are gone but I’m not getting a high” SMACK him in the head and say stop the bullshit let’s get you clean.

  7. Your quite the writer there Anderson. Well maybe when your not out of your but you probably got here just like alot of us. Looking for answers on kratom. So its a good thing. Not judging, I’m the last that can do that.

  8. I have been on herion 10 years then methadone another 10 and then went to Suboxone I tapered off Suboxone for three months then stopped for 11 days went through 3 days of bad withdrawal and after 11 days I had no energy and couldn’t sleep I started taking the red Indo 2 hrs before bed and have been sleeping great I take 2 caps…in the morning and I feel great Kratom to me has been very successful I am hoping to soon stop taking it been on dope 30 years Kratom saved me really from drug addiction

  9. Hey y’all, so I’m back on the H and for a few months have been using almost a gram a day IV usage. I got some red bali 500 mg caps, how many should I take in morning, evening, and afternoon to kick the H? Then, how should I go about tapering off of the Kratom? PLEASE HELP!

    1. Hi Yosef!

      Maybe web search or Google: “Matt Finch”/recovery coaching. Definitely suggest his website:
      Matt’s blog, podcast & opiate detox/recovery courses have helped thousands get off H & other opiates. Myself included. I’m a 20 yr opiate user w/ many yrs of IV H using among other drugs I’d slam daily: but opiates were by far my drug of choice. I have no wish to go back.
      There are multiple protocols provided, plus examples of success stories very similar to folks in your (our) situation.
      U CAN DO THIS!
      Create a plan, achieve your recovery & life goals, be empathetic to yourself / go easy on yourself. Soon enough you’ll enjoy all that life has to offer on the other side of addiction!
      – Eric H.

    2. Try like 4 or 5 at a time on an empty and see how your tolerance is. That’s an easy dose. You should notice effects within 15 min at the most sometimes in 5. Then it’s a matter of tapering off of the kratom: just one less each time you take it each day/cpl days and voila

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