Bali Kratom
Bali Kratom, just as its namesake island, is an ideal balance of pain relief and energy boost, smoothly blending many different effects of kratom into one.
Whether you want to rest your weary bones on the soft sands or work up a sweat riding the waves, Bali is the choice for you. It is often held up as the standard to which all other kratoms are compared.
The details
An ideal balance of pain relief and energy boost, Bali Kratom works somewhat differently than a traditional red kratom.

the difference
While many reds are sedative, Bali manages to give a gentle energy boost, while maintaining the pain relief expected of a red. Bali is also known to help with relaxation and brings a mild sense of euphoria.
the science
Bali Kratom has traditionally been one of the most popular strains, due to its higher potency and blend of properties. For many years, Bali was one of the only strains available. While the effects match the relaxing, revitalizing islands for which it is named, it has been discovered that Bali may not actually be from the Bali area.
I’m no pharmacist, but aren’t the adranergic receptors what tizanidine, a muscle relaxer used for spasming muscles and insomnia and clonodine, supposedly used for opioid withdrawal bind to? If this is the case, why must I take both tizanidine and kratom in order to sleep? Tizanidine does nothing at all for my pain, since my pain is due to chronic stimulation of opioid receptors by tramadol. Kratom by itself does not allow me to sleep more than an hour or two. Tizanidine will add a couple of hours more. Over the counter sleep meds might as well be placebo, since they do nothing. Next month when I have money again, I’m torn between buying a thousand red bali capsules, or two bottles of 500 red maeng da capsules. It depends on which is better for pain relief. I’d really like a natural substance to kick the nicotine habbit, was forced to go to my local smoke shop and buy 2 more bottles of eLiquid, wish I’d never started that habbit, but it helped with the pain a bit when I was on tram six months or so ago.
Hi Kendell, pharmacy technician here. Tizanidine isn’t necessarily to help with sleeping, however it can make you tired. I’ve been using the red Bali and it helps a lot. You could purchase a small amount of the red bali first to see if you like it, and maybe try taking 6mg melatonin (if you haven’t tried that already). The red bali is enough to put me to sleep, I struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep. I’ve heard the red bali can help with withdrawals as well, it helped my friend stay clean off H. Best of luck!
I (40F) have Crohn’s disease, Interstitial Cystitis, and a partially paralyzed right foot from a fibroid tumor removal a few years back. The nephropathy pain in my foot becomes extreme at times, to the point I can not even stand a sheet to touch it. I became addicted to opiates about 2 years ago. It started out just getting a couple from my mom every once in a while and led to a several hundred dollar a week habit. I was terrified of withdrawing but I knew I HAD to and I decided that cold turkey was better than suboxen/subcutex/methadone. I know people who quit heroine but no one who could quit the “detox” meds. I found out about Kratom on Reddit. I used it for about a week daily 4 to 5 times a day about a tablespoon in a cup of mint tea, and other than a few random sweating episodes in the first 3 days or so, I had no other symptoms. After a week, I started cutting back and after 2 weeks I stopped the Kratom totally just to see what would happen. Nothing happened. NO withdrawals NOTHING. I now (and for the last few weeks) have been using it 2 times a day. I use about a Tablespoon (all be it a heaping one) in some tea before I go to bed, and about half as much before I go to work (I work 3rd shift).
I generally use Red Borneo but sometimes I get the Maeng Da. We have a little place in my town (in East TN) that sells it as well as kava and other similar stuff. I would not call it a “head shop” but it’s not exactly NOT a head shop either. But I have also gotten it at a gas station in a bind and had great success other than paying way more.
This stuff not only changed my life, it likely saved it and my 20 year marriage!
PLEASE consider trying it if you want to break an addiction. It can and will help.
of course you have to get your mind right about quitting too. I realized early on that until I stopped wanting to get that pill high, nothing would help. Once I got in the right state of mind, Kratom helped me do the rest.
I live in eastern NC and heroin(per capita) is more rampant here than most of eastern seaboard. Town of 20,000 and wasted half of my life w/26 years of heroin use. It had made me into someone I didnt recognize anymore. 24 broken bones, 19 surgeries, RSD, and compartment syndrome of leg made me depressed, suicidal, in constant extreme pain. I begged my Dr to amputate my leg & when he wouldnt I reallu contemplates suicide. I did the methadone thing for 7yrs, then Subs- with many relapses and OD’s intertwined. I had tried kratom once and told myself it was total BS but the truth is I wanted to be HIGH. Finally I tried it again out of desperation. Day 2 of withdrawing from a 2 gram/day habit. The only thing available at that hour was OPMS Maeng Da. I took 5 or 6 and felt so much better. It only lasted 3 hrs BUT IT HELPED. The next day I went to a local shop-vet owned and told them what my situation was. They warned me to try to avoid OPMS because of developing big tolerance but I looked at it this way. “I wasnt sticking a needle in my arm” & wasnt wearing liquid handcuffs (methadone.) I bought more, OPMS and 4 dif types of kratom. They were right about the tolerence thing. They told me to rotate kinds/strains every 2-3 days and It works for me and my Boyfriend(who has been clean since trying Kratom also). I know that kratom has saved my life & Im gonna be honest – I get a buzz most of the time I take it. As far as pain goes, it takes our brains a bit of time to start producing the “feel good endorphins” again. Sometimes years – but Im telling you that the initial gut wrenching pain caused by being highly opiate tolerant (& not having an opiate to take) does ease up. It has been getting better and better because of taking Kratom. I do more activities which in turn makes me stronger and helping the painful weak areas get stronger. Its a cycle- do more,feel better, feel better because i am getting more out of life. I prefer mixing red maeng da or Sumatra*) & a “feel good strain” like SG malay, SG Maeng da,green goblin… i sampled 25 dif types(more than once) and picked 12-15 that I rotate every 2-3 days and it keeps my tolerence down and I still get that warm fuzzy feeling I get from Kratom & my anxiety is so much better. Warning – taking only the stronger Reds long term can cause severe withdrawl upon stopping. Use for detoxing/mixed with extract for first 5 days. Lay off extract and save it for the really bad pain days for maximum results. Well thats my story and what worked for me. Kratom. Effects everyone differently. just keep sampling dif high quality kratom(like wht can get here) and dont give up. Oh yeah- eat something as soon as it starts to kick in to avoid nausea &/or bad gas & drink plenty of fluids. Kratom saved my life. Im trying to convince the many other addicts here to make the change. Im still new & learning about kratom. Been clean 65 days. Yay me. Yay kratom!!
Thank You So much for sharing that info with me! about switching strains and eating something and the help with herion with drawls! im about to do the same thing to get clean and im gonna do the whole thing on YOUTUBE 5/20/20 dreamscometrueipromise D.C.T.I.P….. Thank You!! AMY from eastern NC
I am going to buy some kratom today (red vein bali) to start my detox from heroin. I wanted to see your you tube video for some guidance, however I am unable to find it. Assistance please!! I have never used kratom before and I have been reading all of the comments and experiences from everyone that have posted,trying soak up as much information as possible. Naturally I am nervous, withdrawal is he’ll. I am hoping this is the miracle I need. I was clean for years due to the tool I learned in recovery. Recently I relapsed and DO NOT want to go the suboxone, methadone, etc route and cannot afford to be down for days. If you are able to give me any guidance through this process that would much appreciated.
Kratom really does work wonders. I pray you and your boyfriend are still doing well. Its nice to hear success stories
What is the best Kraton strain for pain relief w/o the massive stimulating energy boost? I have bad back pain but also have IBS & sensitive to caffeine & coffee. Thoughts?
Hey Paul, first of all; most “strains” are nothing more than marketing gimmicks. All kratom comes from the same trees. The only difference is the area in which they are harvested which, even then, makes no difference. What you need to look for is a good BATCH of a certain strain and color from a vendor that you enjoy and then order more at that. The only real difference is between colors (white, green, red, gold, bentuagie, yellow). The different colors indicate different drying methods, so basically many people think white = energy , red = relaxation, green = energy with relaxation.
The best advice I can give is just find a strain/batch that works for you. Kratom is very hit or miss, many times you will get a “strain” of kratom that just doesn’t do much for you (is weak). But once you find a strain/batch of kratom from a certain vendor that works really good then I would suggest ordering more of that. You wouldn’t believe how many bags of kratom I have in my closet that just didn’t do much for me.. But one unexplained and cool thing is that those bags of kratom in my closet that I considered weak – Well SOMETIMES (not always) when I go back to them months later, well sometimes they actually suprise me and I am like “holy cow, this stuff is great! Why did I not like this when I first tried it 4 months ago?!” ….
Question, let’s say I tried Kratom today, then decided I wanted to go back to Subutex tomorrow. How long do I have to wait after being on Kratom before I can go back on Subutex? Do I have to wait to go back on Subutex? I am asking because if you’re familiar with it, if I were to take an opiate today, I’d have to wait 18-24 hours to take Subutex because if I do it too soon, it can have the opposite effect and send me into 10 times worse withdrawals.
It doesn’t interact either way. I tapered off my buprenorphine in 2 months. I was just tired of being dependent on it. I also didn’t want the $300/mo. clinic/pharmacy bill anymore. I went from 4mg 2x daily to .5mg 1x over the 2 months. I thought I would have very minimal withdrawal from the buprenorphine since I took a long time to taper and it did help but the second day of zero mg was getting very tough. I had heard of people using kratom to get off opioids and I started researching. I couldn’t sleep and I needed a distraction. So glad that I did! I have been taking 8mg of buprenorphine for almost 10 years and my body felt that it was a necessary chemical. I did not feel well and I did not want to have wasted the effort invested. I read a lot of testimonials and the majority said that they were using the Bali and having positive results. I had the wife drive me to a vape shop and I purchased a 3oz bag for $20. I didn’t do any precision measuring. I used a plastic spoon to scoop a big tablespoon of the gold powder and stirred it into my lemonade. Nothing about it was appealing, visually or taste. Amazingly, 10 minutes later, I was feeling well. Slight headache but none of the usual hell. I went from a 5 minute sneezing fit and wanting to crawl out of my skin to laughing and joking with the wife. I was in disbelief.
The best advice I can give is just find a strain/batch that works for you. Kratom is very hit or miss, many times you will get a “strain” of kratom that just doesn’t do much for you (is weak). But once you find a strain/batch of kratom from a certain vendor that works really good then I would suggest ordering more of that. You wouldn’t believe how many bags of kratom I have in my closet that just didn’t do much for me.. But one unexplained and cool thing is that those bags of kratom in my closet that I considered weak – Well SOMETIMES (not always) when I go back to them months later, well sometimes they actually suprise me and I am like “holy cow, this stuff is great! Why did I not like this when I first tried it 4 months ago?!”
Any difference in method of ingestion? Toss & wash vs. steeping a tea as far as potency and effects. I’ve use red Bali for past 6-8 months and have excellent pain relief from psoriatic arthritis. Also, what are safe doses? All sort of new to me and my sweet spot is between 7-10g for pain relief, wondering if that’s too much. Thx Doc.
Somebody please help me out I’m in urgent need of some kratom, but unfortunately I’m stuck in Wisconsin anybody willing to help me out get in touch with me privately at, any information or help would be so greatly appreciated !!
[email protected]
You would be doing me such a huge save please let me know!
If you are close to the Illinois border, there are a ton of smoke shops that sell Kratom just over the border (Waukegan/Zion area). It’s worth the drive.
Is there anyone who can PLEASE help me find kratom in Wisconsin??? Or any means of getting it- any vendors that will ship to WI? I know people say there are some but I’m having a hard time finding them. I want to get off heroin & suboxone so much… Any help would be SO appreciated! [email protected]
Unfortunately, there are no vendors Ive heard of in Wisconsin. It’s treated as a controlled substance in the red list states. Do you have friends in other states that could have it delivered to them and then deliver it to you? Or better yet, go to a head shop out of state. Note – they won’t take Visa or MC for K purchases.
Please get off that poison known as Suboxone ASAP. What I would suggest is going over to Minnesota (or whatever state your closest to) and getting some from one of those states. You could set up a PO box in one of those states and then order your kratom to that PO box, which would be totally legal.. It is a damn shame that Wisconsin has banned kratom, this plant SAVES LIVES.
Question, let’s say I tried Kratom today, then decided I wanted to go back to Subutex tomorrow. How long do I have to wait after being on Kratom before I can go back on Subutex? Do I have to wait to go back on Subutex? I am asking because if you’re familiar with it, if I were to take an opiate today, I’d have to wait 18-24 hours to take Subutex because if I do it too soon, it can have the opposite effect and send me into 10 times worse withdrawals.
I want to kno the same and how long after H can I take kratom I am so nervous but can’t wait to try it and am so hopeful that it works I really want to change my life and do not want to go on methadone or suboxone I was clean 3 years on suboxone but I just want to be totally clean this time after relapsing I feel that now it is so much harder for me to get off H the withdrawals are so much more intense been trying to quit for about 1month and can’t seem to be able too so I just bought some samples of kratom to see how I feel wish me luck I need this change
You can take them together. You won’t have negative effects. However the effects of the Kratom will be diminished, it will still work. And the same is true the other way around
It illegal in WI but if your close to michigan or Illinois just cross the border to a head shop.
Having it mailed could pose some serious legal issues in WI, they made a business of locking people up
just drive across the border to a neighboring state where it is legal and buy some there with cash, easy peasy
I used kratom for Suboxone withdrawal and it was the only thing that worked. And I had a 20 year opiate habit. In my opinion a quality Chocolate Bent is one of the best leafs for insomnia. Obviously everyone reacts different to each strain but this particular leaf has worked great for me for insomnia…
As far as tolerance goes, I got tremendous relief from Indo powder, then Mayo powder. Problem is I had been going through an ounce a day. I am a recovering addict from benzos and opiates. I don’t understand how to measure. I just know I did not need my Klonopin anymore
Can someone please tell me the best kratom strain for insomnia..
was on subox for 5 yrs for pain mgmnt.. bad decision. also never was on anything illegal
now i am off suboxone for almost 2 months.. please tell me that eventually my sleeping will resume to normal..
sincerely eric
Sorry to tell you this but sleep is the last thing to return from subs use. It’s a horrible drug. I should have went through the 2 weeks of detox off oxys instead I was a slave to subs for 10 years. I’ve been clean 3 years 4 mos and I still have days where I feel like I’m in withdrawals from the subs. I’ve used “slow” strains of kratom and theyve helped a lot. Good luck.
Eric—*im not a physician but I would suggest giving yourself a Kratom break for a few weeks and trying 25-50 mg of Benadryl (never more than 50 mg!) about an hour before going to bed. That means consistent bed time, lights out, no tv, and maybe a cup of Kava or Chamomile tea to start relaxing you before bed. Good luck dude!
I used kratom for Suboxone withdrawal and it was the only thing that worked. And I had a 20 year opiate habit. In my opinion a quality Chocolate Bent is one of the best leafs for insomnia. Obviously everyone reacts different to each strain but this particular leaf has worked great for me for insomnia…
To be honest I have found both meang DA green kratom and also Bali kratom known as red Bali to both work very well and help with withdrawals as well I was on pain meds for 6 years and have been off for now 4 months they helped a lot even with sleep and also getting energy as well and pain
It will. I had exact problem. My doc (who has no clue I was on subs) prescribed anti-depressant Trazadone. I take 50-100 mgs every night. You must take it on an empty stomach though. I sleep like a baby and feel very rested the same day. Plus, docs do not have a problem prescribing it.
probably most red strains like red maeng da or red bali, red malay, anything red should be the most sedative kratom
you should see a psychiatrist tho and look into trying seroquel, works wonders for my insomnia after i got clean from fentanyl
I was on suboxone for 5 years for pain mgmnt. I am off of it now for 50 days BUT.. I have been not sleeping at all.. maybe 4 hours every 3 days.. I tried maeng da and it helped with energy fot the day and calmed down the fight ofr flight feeling.
Can anyone please tell me the most effective Kratom for sleep..PLEASE HELP
God bless and thank you kindly
Bentuangie is the best strain to help you sleep. There’s red bent, chocolate bent, and super royal bent. For me, I use Super Royal Bent. It helps me fall asleep, but more importantly, I stay asleep. I have problems staying asleep, but one dose of Super Royal Bent keeps me asleep for the whole night,
Red bali is a great strain, to be honest any red or green can be good for sleep but most enjoy reds.. You just gotta find a batch of kratom that works for you..
It will. I had exact problem. My doc (who has no clue I was on subs) prescribed anti-depressant Trazadone. I take 50-100 mgs every night. You must take it on an empty stomach though. I sleep like a baby and feel very rested the same day. Plus, docs do not have a problem prescribing it.
Bali gold helps me get to sleep
Red Bali is knows for its pain relief idk how it got only 70% of pain relief when red kali got a 91% for pain relief. I think these results are a bit flawed. Red Bali has the greatest pain relief effects and is a partial mu opioid agonist. Oxycodone acts as a weak agonist at mu, kappa, and delta opioid receptors within the central nervous system (CNS). Oxycodone primarily affects mu-type opioid receptors as well. Diluadid binds to several opioid receptors particularly the mu receptors where most of its analgesic effects come from. Fentanyl the most potent synthetic opioid analgesic, it selectively binds primarily to the mu receptor which is why it is the most potent opioid analgesic reserved for people with high tolerance and severe chronic pain. Red Kali kratom has more sedating effects not pain relief. This is because Red Kali stimulates alpha 2 andrergic receptors causing sedating effects, which might make people seem they are experiencing more relief from pain but that is not the case. Although all kratom effects all receptors they vary differently depending on the type of kratom altering selectivity, bioavailability, and potency on the brains receptors. Kratom contains an alkaloid mitragynine (9-methoxy-corynantheidine) and 7-hydroxymitragynine. 7-hydroxymitragynine is a highly selective mu- and kappa-opioid receptor agonist, acting mainly on the former subtype. Mitragynine is a partial mu-, delta-, and kappa-opioid receptor agonist, but can also act on the 5-HT2A serotonergic and alpha2-adrenergic receptors, as well as neuronal Ca2+ channels. Red kali has such strong sedating effects because it is an αlpha2-andrenergic agonist which it primarily acts on. Although it still acts on the other receptors as well it selectivity differs toward each receptors. Alpha 2 agonists inhibits and reduces brainstem vasomotor center-mediated CNS activation. Used as centrally acting sympatholytic vasodilators. This means it antagonizes or inhibits the transmission of nerve impulses in the sympathetic nervous system. Alpha 2 agonists are generally used as an antihypertensive, sedative, & treatment of opiate dependence and alcohol withdrawal symptoms like clonidine and tizanidine. Red Kali kratom is favored for an anti-anxiolytic due to its sedating effects because it reduces a persons heart rate and blood pressure from it’s sympatholytic properties. Red Bali also has depressive effects but from binding to the mu receptor as all opioids do to decrease pain having greater analgesic effects over Red Kali.
Holy cow!! I got more information from you on Kratom than the last 2 years of research! You need to write a blog. I get such conflicting information on different strains, and it’s hard to choose new strains. Thanks so much for your time to comment!!
Great write up Nattt. Did you mean to say that Red Kali is favored as an anxiolytic ( you have anti-anxiolytic) to reduce anxiety? Anti-anxiolytic seems to infer against anxiety reduction.
I’m about to start RK for the first time to assist with psoriatic arthritis pain and trying to find the appropriate dosing. Any thoughts as to mg dosage to start with? Thanks
You don’t need much because the more you do you f up your tolerance I suggest doing one teaspoon in a mint tea or camolli tea I can’t spell sorry. But I used to toss n wash and found after awhile I got extremely sick backed up and pain and then the heresy squirts. So I would do the tea but do it right so you don’t ruin the kratom. I would suggest soaking the kratom in lemon juice before pouring hot water over it then put your normal tea in it. Idk why but the lemon gives it a punch. Do you do kratom in the morning? I would suggest green Malay
I put my Kratom on a kitchen scale, weigh it by grams, and add it into my protein shake. Can’t even tell it’s in there.
Thank you Nattt! This was great information!
Thank you a million for this good, clear, organized & helpful info! Many blessings!
Thank you for that info…it gives insight and understanding as to why each works the way it does and giving opioid drug similarity. I wish every safe and healthy understanding and usage. Thanks again.
Th for you knowledge of kratom. Can you tell me about the Thai kratom. Trying to get off pills totally. This seems to be helping but I’m concerned if i will jabber a dependency for this as well. So far this brand has best effects without feeling tired.
It’s great to know that Bali kratom is a good stimulant that helps in achieving and overcoming body pain. I will share this with my sister who constantly complainm about his upper and lower back pain. Due to the stress her work gives her, she seldomly notices her posture and the way she sits and that could probably be the cause of her back pain. Hopefully, I can find a health store that sells Bali kratom and share it with my sister.
I just ordered Bali for my first time trying. I’ve had 15 surgeries,have severe anxiety and have been taking lexapro Wellbutrin,3 blood pressure meds and of course hydrocodone 10s and tramadol for many years. What is anyone’s experience for the best one for severe pain? I hope it works as I would love to get off these other meds. Thanks
In Sweden some kratom pills on the market were found to be a mixture of kratom and Tramadol, which led to several deaths. Of course I don’t know how much tramadol was in the tablets, how many pills were taken by those affected. However, without knowing more, I would never take the two together, I’d be too afraid to. There are several published reports from doctors online that describe what happened.
Tramadol is the devil itself.
So true. Tramadol is evil… cant believe I stayed with it as long as I did. Severe back pain kept me reliant upon it. Now 1 week free of Tramadol and morphine and I couldn’t be happier.
Almost exactly the situation on my end. Should this be taken in the AM to help get through the day, or in the evening to help relax and/or sedate? I’ve heard conflicting stories as I do realize that if affects people differently. Thanks in advance!
Bob—Kratom should be used with caution by people with high blood pressure!
Ok, I am trying kratom, and I’m not sure what to think! Cant sleep well, anxious all the time, i hurt, throwing up, BP meds, awful…I’m scared because reading the info is confusing! I am not looking to get high or anything! Just trying to function as a normal adult, I’m done with doctors! And last ER visit they sent me home saying I tested positive for meth! I told them I don’t do meth! I am a heart patient! Come to find out Zantac will give you a false positive! Google it!!! I have had a seizure, a heart attack, motorcycle wreck with steal rod from my knee to my ankle all in 2 years, I’m only 38 yrs old, and I feel like I’m 83. I don’t know what else to do! Cant be smoking weed forever either! I just need to know if this is really safe or if it’s just a fluke! Or should I just go to the nut house?
I have a list of different meds and over the counter that gives false positive test. I admin a few groups and just stepped down on another group. I found it too hard to do all three. Kratom is safer than anything you’ll find. The fda spreads Faldo info. The news media tells what they’re told before knowing the facts.
Have been taking to help with pain as well as managing my bi po mood swings. Start my morning off with 3 grams, then have 2 grams through the day about every 3 to 4 hours. Another 3 grams after lunch, and 4 grams of a different strain for sleep. I’ve been doing this for about 2 months now and I am doing way better than I’ve been in a while. Obviously this is different for everyone so as always, monitor yourself and learn what dosage works best for you!