Kratom Companies Involved in Civil Forfeiture

Pittsburgh, PA

A civil forfeiture action filed in Pittsburgh’s U.S. District Court spells bad news for several kratom companies across the country. 

The companies in question: Coastline Kratom, Kratom Crazy, and Best Kratom, are all ceasing operations, effective immediately. Two of the companies, Coastline Kratom and Kratom Crazy, are sister companies, previously owned by a couple out of North Carolina. $5.8 million was seized from them alone. The Pittsburgh Post Gazette was the first to break the story. 

There were an additional four other businesses involved in the forfeiture. Two of which were selling SARMs, a dangerous synthetic chemical that serves as an alternative to steroids. The other two sold nootropics, a supposed cognitive enhancer. 

Although it is not clear what specifically caused the kratom companies to close their proverbial doors, a few inferences can be made from the Pittsburgh based article. For starters, these companies were not undergoing any safety testing on their products. That is, no third-party laboratories were checking their products for dangerous contaminants or adulterants. Untested/untreated kratom may contain health hazards such as heavy metals, chemicals, and salmonella. 

The article also suggests that these companies were falsely classifying business transitions. In other words, the credit card processing companies they were working with had zero idea that they were selling items such as SARMs, nootropics, or kratom. All the processors saw was the reporting of authorized goods in an attempt to cheat the system for better rates.

It was also inferred that these listed companies may have been making medical claims about kratom/other products on their websites. Granted, it’s hard to tell what reason in particular got these sites shut down. Regardless, all reasons mentioned are huge no-no’s in today’s kratom landscape. 

With the FDA’s war on kratom waging on, such news serves as a serious wakeup call to any company not following important laws and regulation regarding the health and safety of their products. Although unfortunate to see kratom companies have to shut down, the safety of the consumer should always come first. Reasons like this is why the Kratom Consumer Protection Act is so heavily fought for. It provides a safer kratom environment for all parties involved.

Our “Where to Buy” page shows vendors that are lab-tested and trusted, as well key things to look out for when shopping for kratom.  

Disclaimer: There is no content on the Kratom Science Podcast nor on that in any way constitutes medical claims or medical advice. You should consult a medical professional for medical advice and we believe this sincerely. Take care.

1 thought on “Kratom Companies Involved in Civil Forfeiture”

  1. And not a mention of all the chronic pain patients it has helped by greatly enhancing quality of life issues. When all you have to look forward to are injections and surgeries and chronic use of prescribed medications, using Kratom should be like CBD, and then legalization of marijuana and the moderate consumption of alcohol. You can’t ban something because some people abuse it, these people have addiction issues. The older this society gets the more appreciation it has for alternative options to natural aging discomfort and serious organic disease and breakdown.

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